Flathed River Spring Cleanup
Don’t forget! Flathead Valley Trout Unlimited is sponsoring our first group activity in over a year, this coming Saturday, May 1. We are working with Montana FWP in co-sponsoring a cleanup day at the five Flathead River Fishing Access Sites! WE WILL MEET AT 09:30 on Saturday, May 1st...
New Flathead Regulation
Don’t forget, a new regulation on hooks is in effect this year for the three forks of the Flathead. Please be gentle with our native fish, there aren’t that many left. Remember to catch and release natives. Thanks – FVTU If both work similarly and one costs less than...
2021 Proposed Fishing Regulation Changes
FWP conducts a full review of fishing regulations every four years in order to give new regulations time to work and to reduce the time that staff and the public must devote to the regulation setting process. A complete review of regulations took place in 2020. That makes 2021...
Remembering 9/11
Nineteen years ago today the world was rocked by the unprecedented terrorists attacks on New York City and Washington D.C. Nearly three thousand people lost their lives in those attacks. I was working security at the Moose Fire camp when it happened. I can still vividly remember watching the...
FWP Commission meets Aug. 13
The Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission will meet on Aug. 13th. Among the items to be discussed will be an update to fishing regulations. Regulations are updated on a four-year cycle with the last official update for the 2020 season. Any updates made between the four-year cycle seek to...
FVTU Coronavirus Statement
AN OPEN LETTER TO OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS The Flathead Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited is committed to our goals, causes and members. The impact of COVID -19 on our many members, sponsors, contributors and friends in the Flathead Valley, and beyond, has affected us in incalculable ways. The...
FVTU Veterans Ice Fishing Day On Tuesday, February 11, FVTU board members Jim Borowski and Rob Weiker took three veterans from the Kalispell Vet Center on an ice fishing trip to Loon Lake. The trip was one of our Veterans Service Partnership (VSP) programs. We were joined by Adam...
Ho! – Ho! – Ho!
FVTU Celebrates the Holiday Season Last night Kalispell Brewing Co. hosted our annual Christmas party. A good time was had by all, as the old saying goes. The festivities were punctuated with lots of good food, fun, and plenty of raffle prizes. About fifty FVTU members and friends showed...
Veterans Day – 11/11/19
On this Veterans Day, we at Trout Unlimited thank our military servicemen and women, our veterans, and viagra genérico 25mg Moving to a less congesting diet will also induce healing. They may be canada cialis more conscious of the foods they eat, alcohol or caffeine consumed, or exercise regimen...
Phew, that was a mouthful. More simply put, Flathead Valley TU was represented at national TU’s Veteran Service Partnership Train-the-Trainer event in Arkansas last month. FVTU VSP Coordinator Jim Borowski attended the conference as both a participant and a presenter. The three day event brought in about twenty representatives...