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Help Protect the Smith River

Action Alert from Montana Trout Unlimited Tell Montana DEQ TODAY to require an EIS and better data for a proposed mining exploration in the Sheep Creek drainage of the Smith River. The Canadian mining company Tintina Alaska, Inc., wants to excavate a mile-long exploration tunnel near Sheep Creek, an...

Where is the outcry?

There seems to be more than a little agitation against the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes for seeking Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) mitigation funding to assist with their legitimate management of Flathead Lake and River fisheries. First of all, this is NOT federal tax money. The money comes from...

Remember When

Do you remember when you could fish for, and harvest large bull trout in the Flathead River? Remember when a 20-inch westslope cutthroat wasn’t a rarity? Most folks don’t, but it wasn’t all that long ago. In the 1970s and 1980s, river anglers harvested 6,000 to 7,000 bull trout...

A Tale of Three Fish

Our local native trout, bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout, were doing just fine until lake trout populations exploded in Flathead Lake due to the misguided introduction of Mysis shrimp.  Large runs of adfluvial  cutts and bulls would head up river every spring to spawn.  Several years later the...

2013 Summer Newsletter

Hot Digity! The new Flathead Valley Trout Unlimited Summer 2013 newsletter is out. Grab your copy today and get up to date on what’s happening in our chapter and the fish world of NW Montana. Get the real skinny on the Draft EIS by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai...

Climate Change Video

Dandy new, short video from Conservation Hawks It offers effective cure for sexual weakness viagra cost in canada see this in men. It is cialis for cheap price that serves customers from any nation or country -worldwide. The facility and the stands, that is the responsibility of the...

You can help our native trout now

FLATHEAD BULL TROUT AND WESTSLOPE CUTTROAT NEED YOUR HELP TODAY! The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes are seeking comments on a draft environmental impact statement that evaluates options to benefit native trout by reducing lake trout numbers in Flathead Lake. Competition and predation from lake trout has resulted in...

Hello “Dolly”

As the number of native bull trout in the Flathead continues to wither, there seems to be a lot of selective memory loss happening among our local sportsmen. After talking about how important the trophy fishery for large bull trout used to be for Flathead Anglers, we heard back...

Call to Action: Yellowstone Lake

We received the following plea from the East Yellowstone TU Chapter for help in supporting the native fish restoration effort on Yellowstone Lake. Please look it over and send your comments. Your support can make the difference. The Yellowstone cutthroat trout (YCT) of Yellowstone Lake (YL) need your voice....

Thank Governor Bullock for his Good Work

(From Montana Trout Unlimited) Please thank Governor Bullock for vetoing bad water bills and supporting important measures benefiting wild trout. Several water policy bills Montana TU spent much of the session trying to defeat or amend made it to Governor Steve Bullock’s desk. After thoughtful deliberation with state agency...