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Earth Day Expo 2024

Hosted by the Flathead Valley chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby, the annual Earth Day Expo is an opportunity to expose, enlighten, and interact with the public about this incredible planet we call home, the threats it faces, and what we can do locally to make our piece of the world a better place. This year’s event was held at FVCC on Saturday, April, 20th, and featured presentations, workshops, and numerous booths featuring local businesses and non profits involved with conservation, renewable energy, science or recreation. 

At the FVTU booth we met the public and conveyed our message about the value of our native fish and the efforts we’re taking to help the most endangered two; Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat.

FVTU board member Beth Gardner talks trout with a young fish enthusiast

This year’s event featured a passport for kids, where they could collect stamps from various booths and have a chance of winning prizes. The FVTU booth was a natural for them as we offered drawings where they could color their own bull and westslopes.

This also was a great opportunity to further spread our message of Bull Trout Belong in Montana. Through our interaction with the public at events like this, or at our regular meetings, blog posts, and one-on-ones with other anglers and outdoorsmen and women, FVTU is working hard at bringing the plight of our native trout to the forefront and building support for these unique and at-risk species. See you at Earth Day 2025!

Beth and fellow board member Lee Jester spread the word