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HB 187 – Outfitters Assistants

Here is some good information on House Bill 187 which provides for an exemption from licensing requirements for “outfitters assistants”. This is another one of those bill that looks fairly reasonable until you dig into the details. The bill passed the House on a vote of 98-0 on Feb. 5 and it now goes to the Senate.

The blog post by the Fishing Outfitters Association of Montana (FOAM) provides additional information that will likely influence your thinking about this bill.

Montana House Bill 187: a good idea gone bad
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I was particularly taken by possible dangers to public health and safety inherent to this bill. Licensed outfitters must pass a background check for criminal convictions and previous violations as an outfitter, they are required to have first aid training, licensed outfitters are responsible for the actions of their licensed guides. Unlicensed outfitters assistants acting as guides are not responsible to any of these requirements.

The “assistant” would basically perform all the functions of a licensed guide without being subject to any of the state requirements for guides. You should read this blog post and look over the bill. There could be some real problems with this bill that are not readily apparent. If you are not convinced that this bill will be an improvement on the current situation, let your local Senator know that you don’t support this legislation.